Adfc-Ahaus Uncategorized Why Would You Need 10 Year Goals??

Why Would You Need 10 Year Goals??

However it came to my attention that most of us only have short-term goals. That is, a goal that we are working to accomplish within the next 6 months to a few years from now. It’s a rarity to see a person with a clear set of long-term goals, such as 10 years.”


Wait……… did you say 10 YEARS?? From NOW?!?!”Yes, that’s exactly what I said! I KNOW a you’re thinking. It’s probably along the lines of:

What’s the point of having 10 year goals anyways? That’s a LONG time from now!!”Believe me I know how you feel. As a matter of fact, that’s EXACTLY how I felt when I was first presented with this concept! However, what I found was that sometimes as we progress through life, we tend to focus ONLY on what’s right in front of us. I know I’ve been guilty of that sin!When a person takes their age and adds 10 years to it, what do you think happens? Naturally that person might picture themselves looking quite a bit older (or wiser?)-which is great for what we may LOOK like 10 years from now. But have we ever wondered what we would be DOING 10 years from now? Or even better, have we even considered the type of person we would BE 10 years from now?? Wife, Mother, Husband, Father, CEO, Wealthy, Retired, Soccer Coach, Manager, Athlete, Independent, etc. This simple concept is mind blowing because the possibilities are endless!In addition to this mind blowing concept, I was taught to try and predict the type of person I would BE 10 years from now in the year 2016 by actually writing down some 10 year goals.

When a person looks back on their life, they may remember some of the great accomplishments they have achieved. However with all the success, a person may feel some regret as well. How many times have you thought about the person you were in the past compared to the person you are today, and you couldn’t help but think,”Hmmmm…. If only I had:

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